About project STAR
Project STAR (Social Transformation and Renewal) is a social and economic transformation initiative created by the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) in partnership with the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and driven by communities to bring about societal transformation through targeted interventions in under-resourced areas of Jamaica.
We consult and collaborate with community stakeholders to identify needs, then work with partners - public, private, NGOs, multilaterals, individuals at home and diaspora - to connect communities with the resources and services agreed in consultation.
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Project STAR
In the news
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Project STAR (Social Transformation and Renewal) is a social and economic development initiative created by the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) in partnership with Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and driven by communities to bring about societal transformation through targeted interventions in under-resourced areas of Jamaica.
Collaboration and consultation are at the heart of our approach, which ensures that needs as well as solutions are identified and implemented by the communities themselves. In turn, Project STAR works with our partners - communities, government agencies, NGOs, CBOs and private sector entities and individuals at home and in the diaspora - to connect communities with the services and resources that were agreed during the consultation process. We have created a rigorous process of feedback, review, learning and improvement so the projects which are undertaken remain relevant and can be owned by the community. Our deep-seated commitment to achieving substantive and sustained change at the community level is demonstrated by ongoing accountability and reporting.
We believe that with collective action across the society, we can realise a shared vision of Jamaica in which everyone is valued and has the opportunity to thrive.

Jamaica Constabulary Force
The PSOJ co-owns Project STAR and assumes responsibility for designing interventions to establish safe spaces, support social development, and foster community relations and social cohesion. They also actively participate in each Community Transformation Board and co-chair the Oversight Board with the JCF, taking the lead in implementing sustained interventions and gathering and reporting data.

Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica
As a co-owner of Project STAR, the JCF will collaborate with the PSOJ to drive fundraising efforts and spearhead a robust community job creation and economic transformation program. They will utilize their member network to provide professional expertise and establish strong governance and accountability systems. Additionally, the JCF will co-chair the Oversight Board with the PSOJ, actively participating in Community Transformation Boards and leading sustained interventions while collecting and reporting data.
Key collaborators

Project Alpha
Project ALPHA is a boutique data analytics consultancy led by Dr. Parris Lyew-Ayee who is a renowned crime and national security analyst in Jamaica and overseas.

Council of Voluntary Social Services
The Council of Voluntary Social Services will mobilize civil society organisations towards increasing community action and participation

Social Development Commission
The Social Development Commission is working towards increasing participation in communities through civil society organisations.

Violence Prevention Alliance
The Violence Prevention Alliance aims to prevent violence through well-founded techniques utilizing a public health approach.
Donors we're working with
JSSE fundraise partners

The JSE, as a good corporate leader with high ethical standards, is committed to providing a fair, efficient, and transparent stock market.

The Jamaica Social Stock Exchange, JSSE, seeks to engage the entire Jamaican economy in promoting a sustainable Social Capital Market.